Obviously, carbon tax could be introduced to be more helpful and possible method. Another way is to minimize case study answer quota step by step. Coal fired power plants are being design and built to be more effective. Given that coal is still very cheap and widely accessible, case study solution cause of this effectivity drive which cuts carbon emmissions may be due to political force and fiscal incentives akin to carbon buying and selling. Not many companies are altruistic. Shareholders and other styles of investor think and act for shortterm gain and case study answer consequences of global warming are fairly long term. Many other reviews have restless on case study answer significance of social media networks for agencies. This analysis for example has handled case study answer significance of virtual communities and the way they may be able to have an effect on trust of online purchasers. As stated by case study solution study, virtual communities offer a couple of merits to e tailers and opportunities for case study solution interplay with participants of virtual groups buyers. Another study also tackled case study solution issue and restless on case study answer significance of social presence of agencies and the way this presence affect customers trust. The study stated that social presence is a determinant of trust in a retail web page. In order to build a god dating with clients and win their trust, case study solution online business are looking to maintain a good social presence so as case study answer customer feels of being current with a real vendor.