This compares with 43% and 15% respectively for Uber. Ubers ride to dominance has not been absolutely smooth, and because case study answer starting it’s been dogged by controversy. Uber controversy levels reached fever pitch in 2017, that can greatly be regarded Ubers annus horribilis. Unsurprisingly, given case study answer threat it poses to basic taxi drivers livelihoods, Uber has sparked no small amount of backlash from said industry once in a while even reaching levels of violence as it did in Barcelona, for example. On case study solution area of livelihoods, one of case study solution reasons Uber has been in a position to undercut classic taxis is its cheapness. It is anything of a zero sum game, as one of case study solution reasons it is capable of offer lower fares is, sadly, by not always treating its drivers as well as one would hope. At Synergy Marketing, we only deal in high high-quality promo gifts. Now, that doesnt mean costly. In fact, case study solution majority of our items are very not pricey. For us, high nice simply shows that our gifts are long lasting, durable and expertly crafted. On GrowSocially. com, KLee Banks discusses case study solution importance of promo gift quality.